Sixty-four years ago, George Orwell, a British author, penned the classic book 1984. Along with the book came the notion of government surveillance and the concept that “Big Brother is watching you.” The book was on best seller and required reading lists for years as an example of what government (and privacy) might become. It has recently surged …
Getting in on the Ground Floor
By Paul Himmelstein Mezzanine, waterfall, WACC... If you think this sounds like terms to describe an exotic Italian vacation, then you might be missing the boat on the hottest investment sector: multifamily housing. The Federal Reserve has pushed interest rates to rock bottom lows in an effort to jumpstart the economy from the ashes of the credit …
Van Osdol & Magruder Featured Client: The Local Pig Charcuterie in Kansas City
When the Local Pig butcher shop opened its doors in February 2012, its goal was simple: to provide Kansas City citizens with locally sourced, humanely raised, meats. But the result was a surprise to its owners, Alex Pope and Matt Kafka, as they ended up in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and on NPR as a result of their innovative …
Military Appreciation: Van Osdol & Magruder Salutes and Supports Veterans
Cheryl Boushka, a well-known estate planning attorney and partner of Van Osdol & Magruder, commemorated her family’s proud military history in an article of the spring 2013 issue of the U.S. Armed Forces Command and General Staff College Foundation News. Read the article here! how to get him backMs. Boushka dedicated authored and dedicated the …
Van Osdol & Magruder Reviews Mass Exodus of Baby Boomers from Workforce & Legal, Business Transition and Estate Planning
Pew Research Center has recently announced findings which suggest startling statistics and possibilities for the next 20 years, spurred by the nation’s Baby Boomer generation. Van Osdol & Magruder analyzed the numbers and the likely impact. (Photo: According to the research, 10,000 Baby Boomers will hit the age of 65 …
Van Osdol & Magruder Features Hilda Fuentes, CEO of Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center, for Earning Nonprofit Professional of the Year
Hilda Fuentes was recently recognized for her exceptional philanthropic efforts as she earned Nonprofit Professional of the Year honors at the 29th Annual Philanthropy Awards luncheon, sponsored by Nonprofit Connect. Fuentes is the CEO of Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center, a prominent Van Osdol & Magruder client. She successfully spearheaded a $25.1 …