We all have or had Moms. “Mommas” is a term which connotes a broader meaning to the idea of motherhood. It often encompasses women to whom we have no biological connection, but who have nurtured and led us in important ways. Those ladies should be recognized this Mother’s Day for their impact on our lives. Aside from our personal Mommas, there are …
Grandpa’s Oil
You or your children may be worth a lot more money than you think. Oil, gas, or other mineral interests which may not have been productive for decades are now arising as valuable assets with the advent of new technologies and new applications for things that can be extracted from the ground. Fifty years ago, there was no good way to discover …
Kansas City Law Firm Discusses History of Local Streetcar
Kansas City once had more than 300 miles of streetcar track, one of the largest systems in America, but the city eventually tore up the tracks or, in some cases, paved over them. In a city with serious mass transportation issues, many people yearn for the return of a serious streetcar system. Millennials are changing the demography of our …
Kansas City Law Firm Discusses the History of Admiralty Law
With the Missouri River bisecting our metropolitan area, we should pay homage to one of the very reasons Kansas City exists today. Trade on and along the river was a major factor in the westward development of our country. As riverboats plied the ever-shifting river channel, they developed their own law, lexicon and lore. As late as the …
Kansas City Law Firm Discusses Advertising Disclaimers and Warnings
Years ago, it was artificial sweeteners that seemed sure to give us cancer. Eggs, butter and whole milk have at times been on the danger list for promoting all kinds of health risks. Now, it turns out that chocolate may be helpful to your heart and maybe butter is healthier than margarine. Who should we believe? The very people who try to sell you …
Kansas City Law Firm Discusses the Kansas Wildlifer Challenge
When the Kansas Wildscape Foundation was founded in 1991, Governor Mike Hayden wanted to create a private organization that could work in partnership with the state to create outdoor access and opportunities in Kansas, without the budgetary and regulatory constraints of state government. Kansas has the least amount of public land per …