Van Osdol, PC sponsors this website for informational purposes only and this website is not intended to constitute advertising. It is designed to support the activities of this law firm, which is based in Missouri, with a satellite office in Kansas that is used for appointments with our attorneys. The materials on this website are general, are not intended to be legal advice and should not be relied upon or used without consulting a lawyer to consider your specific circumstances, possible changes to applicable laws, rules and regulations and other legal issues. Use of this website does not establish an attorney-client relationship.
This website is intended to educate and inform the public to an awareness of legal needs and the importance in selection of appropriate legal counsel.
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. If you want us to represent you, please contact one of our attorneys directly. We would be pleased to consider having a Van Osdol, PC attorney represent you. If you are interested in having one of our attorneys represent you, we will provide you with additional information about our capabilities and terms of engagement. Please do not send us any proprietary or confidential information without first talking with one of our lawyers and receiving authorization to send us the information.
If you communicate through this website or via email, remember that it is not confidential. We may have prior client relationships or other potential conflicts that would prevent us from representing you or from treating your communications as confidential. Communication with the firm by email may not be secure and is subject to the risk of interception or access by other parties.
Our firm’s location in Overland Park, Kansas are offices for meetings with our attorneys by appointment only. Please call us to schedule at meeting with one of our attorneys at any one of our three locations. All mail correspondence should be addressed and sent to our main office in downtown Kansas City, Missouri at 1000 Walnut St, Suite 1500, Kansas City, MO 64106.