If you - or your business - own a trademark, it is highly likely at some point you will receive a very official looking notice from what appears to be the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or some other government agency. Usually these mailers, and now email messages, state you must make certain filings within a short deadline to …
Van Osdol News
Kansas City Law Firm Reviews Estate Tax Planning To Prevent Legal Woes
With income taxes now clearly in our rearview mirror, we are reminded of another certainty in life. The maxim that “Nothing is certain except death and taxes” (Benjamin Franklin, 1789) has existed almost since time immemorial. These inevitabilities are a fundamental part of life and one should not shy away from these tough issues simply because …
Van Osdol’s Laura Stevenson Named KCLSA President
Laura J. Stevenson, PLS, is not only one of our valued staff members, she is president of KCLSA, the association for legal professionals. KCLSA (f/k/a Kansas City Legal Secretaries Association) is the local chapter of a national organization that provides continuing legal education for their members and also offers networking solutions and valuable …
Liability and Risk for Kansas City Baseball Fans
Spring has sprung. The weather is wonderful, the flowers are blooming and love is in the air. Perhaps most importantly, it is baseball season. There is nothing more American than baseball and mom’s apple pie. Fans flock to the stadiums to watch our national pastime. Many hope to catch a foul ball for a souvenir. Unfortunately, some will make that …
Magruder Report: Digital Assets and Your Estate Plan
Digital assets include social media and email accounts, voicemail accounts, online bank accounts, photos and music stored online, blogs and any other electronic record. Efforts are underway to position fiduciaries in an estate plan in the same position as the original user as to the ability to access and obtain information. Protecting access and …
Van Osdol & Magruder Client Celebrates 65 Years in Business
We always like it when our clients are recognized for their achievements, so it is with particular pleasure that we salute Lawrence A. Jones Mortuary and Lindsay Jones for the front page article in the Kansas City Star, celebrating 65 years of serving the Kansas City community with dignity and distinction. We have been privileged to represent this …