Do’s and Don’ts for Workplace Holiday Parties With the holiday party season upon us, there are some legal considerations that should be observed when hosting or attending a holiday party in the workplace. While we don’t mean to dampen anyone’s holiday spirit, please keep the following in mind during this time of year: Photo Credit: Local 10 …
Van Osdol News
Kansas City Law Firm Provides Guide to the Best Holiday Lights in Area
Magruder Report: Kansas City Holiday Lights Displays If you are looking for holiday lights displays, look no further. Here is your guide to the best lights in the Kansas City area. Plaza Lights: The plaza lights have been illuminating Country Club Plaza since 1925, now with over 80 miles of lights and 280,000 multi-colored bulbs …
Kansas City Law Firm Looks Forward to the Arrival of Streetcars in 2016
Streetcars Coming and Going in 2016 It is anomalous that just as longstanding bar and restaurant, The Streetcar Named Desire, is closing its doors at year end, actual streetcars will start running past its current location. If you’ve noticed that construction on Main Street has made it harder to get around downtown, fear not, because it’s …
Kansas City Law Firm Talks Biofuels
Biofuels are produced through biological processes, such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather than fuels produced by geological extractions of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, which come from prehistoric biological matter. Biofuels can be derived directly from plants, or indirectly from agricultural, commercial, domestic and/or …
Kansas City Law Firm Looks Back at Kansas City Treasures in City Planning from City Beautiful Architects to J.C. Nichols
Around the turn of the 20th century a national movement began, called City Beautiful. In an excerpt from "The City Beautiful Movement in Kansas City," William Wilson writes, "The City Beautiful movement was fundamentally important to Kansas City. It remade an ugly boomtown, giving it miles of graceful boulevards and parkways flanked by desirable …
Kansas City Business Law Firm Reviews Uniform Trust Code In Kansas, Missouri And Florida
Many long time habitués of Kansas and Missouri also have homes in Florida and many of those individuals have also declared Florida to be their state of residence, primarily because Florida has no state income tax. Kansas, Missouri and Florida are among the twenty-nine states that have enacted the Uniform Trust Code. Effective January 1, 2003, …