Sixty-four years ago, George Orwell, a British author, penned the classic book 1984. Along with the book came the notion of government surveillance and the concept that “Big Brother is watching you.” The book was on best seller and required reading lists for years as an example of what government (and privacy) might become. It has recently surged …
Newsletter Articles
Getting in on the Ground Floor
By Paul Himmelstein Mezzanine, waterfall, WACC... If you think this sounds like terms to describe an exotic Italian vacation, then you might be missing the boat on the hottest investment sector: multifamily housing. The Federal Reserve has pushed interest rates to rock bottom lows in an effort to jumpstart the economy from the ashes of the credit …
Van Osdol & Magruder Featured Client: Lawrence A. Jones Mortuary Inc. in Kansas City
Back in the late sixties when our partner Bob Redmond helped Lawrence A. Jones, Sr. get financing for the start of Lawrence A. Jones Mortuary Inc., a person might not have predicted that it would become one of the largest African-American owned businesses in Kansas City. Over the years a lot has changed. The company is now managed by Lindsay E. …
Van Osdol & Magruder Reviews History of Law Firm: Frank H. Terrell, Founder of The Biggest Little Law Firm in Kansas City
The Biggest Little Law Firm® in Kansas City has always been small, but mighty. That is how you might characterize Frank H. Terrell when he founded the firm in 1940. Frank came to Kansas City from Parsons, Kansas to practice law in the 1920s. After practicing with several other well-regarded Kansas City lawyers, Frank initiated his own practice in …
The Biggest Little Law Firm®, Van Osdol & Magruder, Features Laura J. Stevenson, PLS
Laura J. Stevenson, PLS, has been with the firm 7 years with over 30+ years of legal experience. She provides support to three partners and one of counsel, mostly in family law, litigation and probate. Laura has held numerous positions with the local and state chapters of NALS of Missouri, and is currently on the Education Committee for NALS … …
The Biggest Little Law Firm® Congratulates Tony Gosserand on the Successful Representation of Planned Industrial Expansion Authority
When Tony Gosserand joined Van Osdol & Magruder earlier this year he brought a lot of experience litigating real estate and condemnation matters. Tony just completed the successful representation of the Planned Industrial Expansion Authority (PIEA) of Kansas City Mo. in a case in Clay County Circuit Court. The issue was whether the PIEA had …