Your government is out to help you know more about those people who work for you. You may think they are Independent Contractors for whom you only need to deliver a Form 1099 at the end of the year. Be very careful, because the IRS and the Labor Department may classify those people as W-2 employees who are subject to withholdings, payroll taxes, …
Magruder Report
The Biggest Little Law Firm ® Continues Support of Kansas City Entrepreneurs With Beers & Suits
Van Osdol & Magruder is continuing its support of entrepreneurs through its associate attorney, Chris Brown, who created Innovative Professionals for Entrepreneurs in 2012. The organization is composed of service providers such as lawyers and accountants who bring fresh thinking and business practices to solve problems startups encounter in the …
The Biggest Little Law Firm® Examines Kansas Tax Law Changes
By: Elizabeth E. Patterson Major tax law changes have come to Kansas. In May of this year, Governor Sam Brownback signed into law tax provisions that reduced income tax rates, increased the standard deduction, eliminated many income tax credits and exempted nonwage income from pass-through entities. The taxation of C Corporations and wages will …
The Biggest Little Law Firm® Examines the ‘Fiscal Cliff’
By: Paul Himmelstein If you are unable to tune out the blaring cacophony of 24-hour news stations screaming for your attention, then you have certainly heard about the impending 'Fiscal Cliff'. Without fully understanding all of the complexities, the name itself conjures up images of Wily E. Coyote and Thelma and Louise and you know it …
The Biggest Little Law Firm® Asks “Offshore Accounts and Investments: Safe Haven or Headaches?”
There has been much discussion in today's political climate about the federal government's deficit and increasing debt. Included in any discussion on this topic are two elements - increasing taxes on the wealthy and repatriating and taxing foreign investments and/or offshore accounts. While it is up to Congress to increase taxes on the wealthy, the …
The Penn State Lessons and Charities from the Freeh Report of Sandusky Scandal
The recent disclosures by the Freeh Report at Penn State are detailed in an excellent synopsis by Tony Gosserand on our website and Tony’s blog at [**No link was provided/can't find it anywhere!]. Extrapolating one significant concept from the report, local non-profit Boards and Executives should expect a heightened degree of scrutiny with regard …