Too often, news headlines detail tragic mass shootings, whether premeditated or committed in the heat of a terrible moment. Inevitably, there is a subsequent discussion of our nation’s gun rights, among the most liberal in the world. Most adults, and many children, can recite the substance of the Second Amendment of the Constitution, the primary …
Magruder Report
Magruder Report: Why Would Anyone Create An Intentionally Defective Or A Crummey Trust?
Perhaps two of the most unfortunate vocabulary choices in the estate planning field lie with the "Crummey Trust" and the “Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust,” or IDGT. There's nothing crummy about a Crummey trust. These trusts, which got their name from Clifford Crummey, a Methodist minister who won a fight with the Internal Revenue Service in …
Getting in on the Ground Floor
By Paul Himmelstein Mezzanine, waterfall, WACC... If you think this sounds like terms to describe an exotic Italian vacation, then you might be missing the boat on the hottest investment sector: multifamily housing. The Federal Reserve has pushed interest rates to rock bottom lows in an effort to jumpstart the economy from the ashes of the credit …
Van Osdol & Magruder Reviews Donor Restrictions in the News
By Elizabeth Patterson Nonprofits often see gift opportunities that come with strings attached, also known as donor-restricted gifts. However, what isn't always clear is just how strong those strings can be, or how long they may last! Over the past few years there has been a surge in cases where the donor (or his or her heirs) is suing to get back …
Blowin’ In The Wind: Van Osdol & Magruder Reviews Kansas Renewable Energy Standards Act
You have no doubt heard some discussion of renewable energy in the form of windmills in Kansas. Much debate has raged and we are now in a position to give the definitive opinion on the future of wind energy. The unequivocal answer is: It’s anybody’s guess. In 2009, Kansas enacted the Renewable Energy Standards Act, basically requiring the state …
MADNESS IN MARCH – When Otherwise Law Abiding Citizens Break the Law
Each year millions of Americans bet on brackets and join pools with coworkers and friends. But don't be fooled - your one dollar entry fee is probably a "bet" and your odds of winning are largely dependent on chance. As a result, your actions probably constitute illegal gambling. Nearly every jurisdiction in America outlaws gambling that is not …