You or your children may be worth a lot more money than you think. Oil, gas, or other mineral interests which may not have been productive for decades are now arising as valuable assets with the advent of new technologies and new applications for things that can be extracted from the ground. Fifty years ago, there was no good way to discover …
Legal Help
It’s a Gamble – Should You Participate in Office Pools?
March is always the time of year when we think about post-season basketball tournaments. Those thoughts are often accompanied by a small wager as to which teams will win those competitions. For those of you who are uncertain, it is still a misdemeanor to gamble on those games. The elements of gambling in Kansas and Missouri are 1) Chance; 2) …
The Lost Art of Proofreading
We are taught in Law School that “Language is a Lawyer’s tool”. Language is what we use to complete the link between our thoughts and the result we want to obtain for our clients. Therefore it hurts when lawyers see our tool being misused or abused. There is considerable debate these days about what constitutes proper grammar. Arguments abound that …
The Importance of Trust in Estate Planning
A client recently called about a problem that occurs all too often. “It has to do with two of my favorite characters,” Bob Beachy says. “They are known colloquially as Fifi and Ramon, evil step-parents or simply second spouses after a death of one spouse and parent.” When Dad dies, his personal property is often left to his wife with the certain …
Unstable Oil Prices Pose Risks for New Leases
As anyone knows there are vast implications of a dry dipstick when testing the oil in your car. The engine will freeze up and the car won’t run. The necessary oil and gas to operate the car may be very cheap right now, but it still may not be such a good idea to drive it unless you have a destination in mind. Photo credit: Clinton Steeds / Foter …