With income taxes now clearly in our rearview mirror, we are reminded of another certainty in life. The maxim that “Nothing is certain except death and taxes” (Benjamin Franklin, 1789) has existed almost since time immemorial. These inevitabilities are a fundamental part of life and one should not shy away from these tough issues simply because they are tough. In fact, in so doing, you are certainly creating greater uncertainty for those you leave behind. The first and best way to plan for these certainties is by creating an estate plan. Photo credit: woodleywonderworks / Foter / CC BY Estate planning has always been an area of emphasis in our firm. We pride ourselves on our representation of clients in this area from the simple to the sophisticated. Our counsel is designed to help you preserve and protect your assets for future generations without interfering with the present enjoyment of your hard earned wealth. We are also skilled in assisting with the consequences that arise when proper planning has not occurred. Our vast experience has equipped us well to provide counsel to you on how to exercise your rights to determine the manner in which your estate is administered and the options available if this right has not been exercised. If you, like the masses, have not yet exercised that right (or failed to recently review how you chose to exercise that right) be reminded of another poetic quote, “…never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.” (John Donne, 1624).