A quick reminder is in order about our Client Advantage Program (CAP). We offer clients the opportunity to make a once a year payment for basic business maintenance services.
(Photo: Photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net)
For an annual payment of $350 we will do the following for our business clients each year:
1. We will serve as resident agent in Kansas and/or Missouri and receive and forward to you all business paperwork, including summons, garnishments and annual report notices.
2. We will complete and file your annual report in either Missouri or Kansas and pay the registration fee. If a second report is needed for another state there will be a small charge for the additional state registration fee.
3. We will prepare Annual Consents or Minutes of owners and officials of the company.
4. Most importantly, we will meet with you at no additional charge to discuss your business filings as well as the general condition and needs of your business so we keep up to date on what is happening in the company and your life.
Call, write or email if you aren’t already signed up!