As the end of the year approaches people tend to get things in order; they make last minute purchases, last minute charitable donations and then celebrate the holidays. Many business owners, however, forget that they must also take similar clean-up measures for their companies.

The end of the year is a perfect time to review your company’s transactions, financial accounts, and goals and objectives for the new year. Documenting large transactions in your company’s minute book and ensuring all filings are up to date with the Secretary of State are not just good business practices, they are often required in many states. To assist with these procedures we offer the Client Advantage Program. Under the CAP Program, we help our business clients each year by performing four key services, all for an annual fee of only $350: (1) we meet with the business owners once during the year to discuss the company’s operations; (2) we document transactions and corporate decisions in the company’s minute book; (3) we file annual reports for the company with the Secretary of State when required; and (4) we serve as the company’s registered agent and office. If you’re headed toward the end of the year without plans in place to clean up your business, consider giving us a call to learn how we can help. We promise you’ll sleep easier during the holidays knowing your business is ready to prosper in the New Year.