Van Osdol & Magruder lawyer and chief strategic officer Bob Beachy was recently named a new member of the advisory board of the Children’s Mercy Bioethics Center (CMBC). Founded in fall 2009 to analyze ethical issues in children’s health, the CMBC has become a nationally recognized authority in pediatric bioethics. The CMBC has worked closely with the University of Kansas School of Medicine to develop an ethics program for their Clinical and Translational Science Center, launched the Pediatric Bioethics Certificate Program and has written countless papers, books and held conferences for pediatricians and policy makers worldwide. Bob Beachy has held several leadership positions in several local civic organizations and also served as the president of the Kansas City Estate Planning Society and the Kansas City Hospital Lawyers Association. His strong background in business and business law make him a valuable resource for businesses of all sizes and on a variety of strategic and legal issues.